uploaded all my photos from my phone to my laptop and here are the summarized versions of them cause there are a few others that i've decided not to post. i have so many camwhore photos its not funny.
random time when i went to meet Mingkang, Weekian and Darren along with Bec and Duffy below some random void deck near my place.
random photo of cute bunnies: the day my sister and i brought Duffy to the vet.
from Joey's phone, sitting around at Kovan before heading to club.
Outside Phuture, near the bridge.
Before heading out with Cyn and Bec.
With Bec in the toilet i think?
At a celebration for my Grandmothers birthday on Good Friday, with my super tall cousin. obviously, his height cannot be seen.
Headed for coffee with Jay after!
yes, i'm aware that there are quite a few camwhore photos in my phone.
i've got shitloads to do tomorrow and on monday. which sucks cause i don't really feel like doing much except for staying home and sleeping my ass off.
so many thoughts it feels like my mind is gonna explode.
it's so frustrating when you can't get your point across and when that point really matters because it'd affect the way people see you? and what that person is really important. really just feel like hitting something really hard repeatedly; i'm that frustrated.
i hate people who judge without even trying to understand. just because you don't think that way, doesn't mean it gives you the right to dismiss the way other people think. and we're all different. i understand that everyone has a right to their own opinions, but i honestly feel that no one should be entitled to judge. and that in itself is contradictory too.