"blurring the lines; yours and mine. "
okay i typed that word out by accident, but it fits soooooo, okay shut up. hoho.
anyway, it's 4.25 and i'm still up! been thinking of stuff to do to fill out my days, like meaningful stuff to better myself. LOL.
hmszxzxzx. there's some article thing on DIY-ing for mother's day. and i guess i have some idea on what to do for it. (:
soooo, things are in the 'it'scomplicated' status now. should get around to straightening things out, like what my darling said. got to be a proper status, or none at all.
or maybe not..... evil smile *
ew i miss my eyelash extensions cause they make me look so much better without make up. horrrrrrible i have too much testosterone, probably. need more of the female essence thingy and i bet SO many others will agree. LOL
urg i want a new camera! shall go sneak into mum's room and steal her pink one . MUWAHAHAHA. -..-
i want meetups sooooooon! meeting bec for lunch/dinner whatever, at her work place like soooon, and cynthia neo too! oh Godddddd i miss them!
and i so totally want back my dyed hair. apparently the black dye is no match for my ex-colored different shades of different brown bla hair, cause there's some kind of brown filtering through the black, which is totally annoying.
shall go dye it soon, but i have no idea if my hair/scalp can take it. it's like super dry already, and i need to go on a "no salt!!!!!" diet, cause it's unhealthy, and i have to sleep more. -..-
urggggggg. wish i could snap my fingers and..... okay this is crap.
am still feeling really sleepy even though i slept from 6 pm till 10 am? and from 5 pm plus to 1 am the next day. -..- like i was up and about for a few hours only.
oh and i survived on 15 dollars for the last week . like totally amazing luh! gasps* I NEED MONEY! and bec mentioned something about a job, and i guess i'm going to work with her!(: yayyy, and working at an IT fair on the 11th to 15th, most probably.
and baka john is insulting my dota skills, and saying that i am noob. assssssssss. hahaha
dreadfully tired, so i guess i'm heading for some aimless surfing around and chatting, till i get some shut eye and i'm going to meet the big head tomorrow i guess? ho hum. (: though we've broken up yet again. -..-
but this time it's my fault lah. rah. ):
LOL okay shut up.
kay here are some photos of the valentine's dinner we had. (darren huiying, big head & me) super nice!
drunken prawns in xo

seafood egg thing?

darren's live oysters that cost five bucks each. (his hand was already grabbing it, and i had to literally go "DARREN WAIT!", in order to take the picture -..-)

butter crab!

apparently that place is reaaaaallly famous or something, but i didn't hear of it before -..- have no idea why i'm always totally unaware of food stuffs. yummy lah! the meal came to only about $127 or something, which is really quite cheap eh. ate till we were really stuffed can!
alright, off.
yours to mine. (heart/lips)
ps: i don't want anyone else.