"a toast, an ovation, to love and merry men."
whassup whassssuuuuuppppppppppppp! -..-
anyway, i survived! round of applause please*
that was a picture from play, ages ago. last year i think? wellllll i miss partying! okay well i don't really miss it, but i miss getting out and having a damn good time like i should be.
well so last night was full of computers, dota-ing, falling asleep in uncomfortable positions; but i'm so glad i have nice friends around me. (:
not forgetting all the ones out there whom i love; thanks for still wanting to be there even though we don't contact often enough. :D
and what they did i'll never forget<3 cause small actions speak fucking fucking loudly.
OH YES! anywayyyyyyyyy, i played the FIRST full game of dota in my whole entire life! played against sebas, darren, the guy who tended the shop, alvin. have no idea if there's another person. i think i totally pulled my team mates down lah LOL, but the guy sitting next to me was nice enough to keep telling me what to do and blocking the idiots who kept trying to kill me (: haha!
and darren that ass kept killing me. and apparently i wasn't allowed to kill him back cause when i went for revenge and started to aim at him, he chased after me and killed my hero. ): and then he laughed maniacally, like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" with added knobs on. -..-
headed to sebas's where we slept and slept. then caught a cab home. like oh my God the traffic was horrible. cars everywhereeeeeee.
am staying at home about to peacefully spend the night, and hopefully there won't be any _____.
perhaps i'll be brave later. like seriously brave. and.....
(first row- liangjie, mingkang, john second row - royston, darren, hongguo, august)
photos from wendy's chalet and drinkers up soon! (:
bye fuckers;
your words/my lips/ your heart/ mine.
ps: i didn't mean the "a little". i meant "a lot." but i guess you don't, and it's not very okay with me.
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