"don't kill the messenger"
mixed feelings, don't feel too good. too many emotions, too many which doesn't belong to me, but somehow got moulded right into the mix.
drama drama x 10, and what i know you'd not know till much later, but don't speak, liar!
code words, and hell yeah i miss my dearest b. a further 2 weeks or more till i can get to see him again. my life doesn't revolve around him, but he's a really important part of it.
am just in a very contemplative mode right now; wondering about decisions people make and what happens out of them. there should be some kind of OS in my head saying something like that sounds like something out of Desperate Housewives, about choices and stuff.
have always thought about the fact that it's not about the choice, but instead what you do after you make that choice. neglected the question 'but what about the process that led to that choice?' isn't that important as well?
for example, what happened to make people make certain decisions, which in turn leads to some sort of a ripple effect? and is it worse that bad decisions were made knowingly that more bad choices were going to come out of it?
not too sure head in a spin.
if they say 'yes i know, but xxxxx', does it make it slightly better than, 'i really didn't think about the consequences blablabla'. so, are rash decisions better on the meter than informed choices, though the end results are the same? or are the people who do it knowingly worse off?
and i guess the one you turn to is very important. hearts to give away, hearts to keep. it's hard to place feelings when everything is all mumble jumble and mixed up crazy.
and have you ever felt like you were standing on a mental cliff, and feel like you know exactly what's going to happen? the sight isn't pretty, not a nice one at all, feeling all powerful and yet utterly helpless in the would be/possible events. cause everything is linked by decisions; what you do leads to another, and another, and so on and so forth.
the all mighty and the fallen. kay that was random.
not trying to say anything in particular, just typing this down for the sake of it.
forget it, shan't do a lengthy post of words. shall come up with some photos soon. ugly fringe = no nice photos = forget it!
kay bye.
kicking it all away
ps: i do hope everything will be okay. Please God. Please. Amen.
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