i'll bet a lot of people (including me) will make a wish at 11/11/11@ 11:11am, and i've even switched on a website for Singaporean time, so i can make a wish at 11/11/11 @11:11 am, 11 seconds.
so, here's a list of what i might wish for. (keyword: MIGHT. i've always believed that one should never tell anyone what you wished for or else it definitely won't come true.) Not in order.
everybody wishes they'd get rich right? so why not a money tree? best if it will never die, and is able to sprout whichever currency/form of wealth that is worth the most value at any point of time. owning a money tree would just be super awesome, though i'll bet i'll just keep camping and literally watch "grass" grow if it really magically appears.
2) Perfect Body+Face
the first suitable person that popped into my mind was Heidi Klum, though i'm sure that there are many versions of perfect bodies around! it was either her, or Xiao S, cause they're both so slim even after giving birth a few times! who wouldn't want that right?
3) Success
the photo is super cute! and yes, Success. in all aspects of life would be nice, no? be it career-wise or in your personal life, having assured success in whatever you do can really come in handy.
Ravenclaws motto is, 'Wit Beyond Measure Is Man's Greatest Treasure', and i fully agree. wouldn't it be nice to posess high intellect and have a mind that far surpasses the common people? this isn't an admission of stupidity, but it would be nice to not get stumped over mathematics, or be able to understand complex theories or master languages easily yadda yadda.....
this man is so sexy, he deserves a gif! who wouldn't wish for him? as always, his perfection renders me speechless so i'm not going to say anything more.
6) Good Health
having good health is really important, especially after i've been falling sick over and over again recently. also, good health for everybody i care about and for the world population is also good! it's scary to see a family member fall ill and you've to be so helpless cause there's nothing much that can be done unless you're a doctor or a healer or something.
7) Clean. Green World
Humans have ruined the environment. WE NEED A CLEAN AND GREEN EARTH! need i say more?
8) World Peace
it's so important for the world to coexist at one! if everybody would JUST.STOP.FIGHTING. maybe issues like world hunger, or overpopulation etc etc would be able to be solved? yes arguments would definitely occur but why must people go to war?! imo it's completely and utterly unnecessary. like my usage of 'utterly' in that sentence. geddit?
9) Superpowers
i've always secretly wished that i'd have some kind of cool super power that i can use to save the world or fight assholes and generally just be awesome! hahahahahahaha i still do actually. *shifty eyes*
10) No more cruelty!
this is the only photo i found that i can bear to post up. i hate animal cruelty or any forms of cruelty. hate the situations in which animals aren't able to defend themselves against whatever's threatening them. i really really really really really get too angry for words when i see such cases. and i really wish that i could do something about it? i guess i could, in little ways but then again this will link to one of my previous 'i might wish for's, which is to have super powers so i can kick the asses of the cruel people!
11) Happiness
Possibly the most important 'i might wish for's of all. Happiness!! you could have everything in the world, and still feel unhappy. or you could have nothing at all, but feel unhappy. so, happiness is really really important.
so, these are the 11 things i would wish for in a blogpost dated 11/11/11! also, i would like to announce that i managed to catch 11:11:11 AM/ 11/11/11!!!!!
my colleagues actually was like 'wahlao' but yeah. i don't care! i wished on something that won't happen for another 1000 thousand years or so. blablabla.
okay, got to go back to working. annoying fuckers getting on my nerves. hate people who always expect things to be done for them and are extremely unappreciative. i don't have to prepare shit for you. that's not within my job scope!
okay abrupt end of rant. bye!
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