Sunday, January 1, 2012

first post of 2012

photo of a roller coaster that i took during the Christmas Eve part one spent at USS with my cousins.

thought that it would be a good photo to put, because of the saying 'life is like a roller-coaster' etc.

i'm doing this post a tad late since it's already 1:53am, on the 2nd day of the new year, but better late than never i guess?

in the past year alone, my life changed 360 degrees. there're too many things to list out, but my conclusion would be that although 2011 wasn't a really good year for me, i've learnt so much from these months and i've found out that i'm actually stronger than i thought i was.

i'm thankful for my family, for my parents unending patience with me. my friends, for staying with me throughout. bee, for still being here.

there are a lot of mistakes i've made, people i've lost and i regret every single one. i hope that every single one of my friends stay safe and really have the most awesome life i can imagine for them and be really really happy no matter what.

okay, moving on to happier things:

my new years resolution for 2011 turned out quite horribly.

11 for 2011

1> Keep a healthy diet/Lifestyle  (fatter than ever)

2> Be more decisive (i've become quite decisive actually, in most matters so that's okay.)

3> Have an actual amount of savings (not really)

4> Be the best i can be (can be much better)

5> Instill Discipline in myself (improved, but still meh-ish)

6> Be punctual (HA.HA.HA)

7> Finish my unfinished business with Cyn (um..... still unfinished)

8> Get my license (haven't even registered)

9> Graduate from MDIS (not gonna happen)

10> Be happy (trying to be)

11> Swear off guys (nope. didn't happen)

so, most of my resolutions weren't achieved! nonetheless, i shall make a new list for the new year. 12, for 2012! Maybe i should be more specific this time.

  1. Lose 5 kg. 
  2. Exercise at least once a week.
  3. Be Punctual
  4. Do not procrastinate.
  5. Become prettier.
  6. Get my drivers license. 
  7. Go overseas at least twice. 
  8. Stick to a rigid beauty routine. 
  9. Make more time for my family and friends.
  10. Improve my temper. 
  11. Study!! 
  12. Have at least 5k in my bank by December.
okay, i will think about that list. it's quite iffy i think. weird.
okay bye!


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