"the mice will play"
C is starting to influence me more than i realize, except now i do. Realize, that is. been starting to worry about how little time there is till the start of my school, and i haven't started earning anything. wish i had a little more time before i start?
okay, just ignore that paragraph and keep your comments to yourself. thanks.
anyway, can't sleep! it's 5.57 am. and i am awake and feeling super hungry! got the urge to cook a can of campbell's to drink, but it's so damn fattening!!!!! bah h8 not being a skinny bitch.
ooh. was supposed to go to Sentosa with C, but we failed miserably. LOL!
okay, so my saturday was spent at two chalets. One was K's friends one and the other was at T's chalet. nothing much for either one, cause we didn't really stay long. didn't look for Bh either. damn!
bought a new swimsuit though! so excited i wanna swim!
and i've many new plans that has to come into fruition before A comes back. smirks*
anyway, i wanna club! but sian i hate $$$$$ issues! so super irritating.
okay photos up for the next post! maybe meeting up with C later on, and i hope that Matt, Bec and i will finally be able to work! so fucking irritating please! cause it keeps getting delayed. damn!
oh yeah! going to swim/tan with Hs again this week, and hopefully night cycling/ picnic with Bec & C?
oh yeahhhhhh. i wanna meet my friends and have funnnnnn! tsk.
another new resolution for 2010 should be for me to: Eradicate all people/things that bring sadness into my life.
That resolution can actually take the place of : Be a good girlfriend.
go figure out for yourself what i mean. :D
you reap what you sow.
ps: and i'd say, if that really happens, you deserve it fully anyway.