Bec came over earlier, and got scammed into helping me tidy my room. :D it's super neat now! though there are still some things to do, like washing figurines and clothing and deciding which ones are the ones i want and which ones can be given away/discarded. oh yeah there're still some childhood books and stuff that i can throw away. according to Bec, i can be on some discovery channel show about hoarders.
it was kinda amazing how much stuff got thrown out from my small little room. 5-6 plastic bags full of stuff, and there are some more to be thrown away! i wanna get a bookshelf and a cabinet to put all my shoes though. ooh, i wanna paint my room too!
i hope my room never gets messy again. HAHA. nor dusty.
am drinking some Fuji apple drink from Pokka, and the effect is like coke, only much fizzier. the taste is kinda like hard liquor mixed with green tea, and the after taste kinda tastes like beer. only sweet. -.- okay i think there's something wrong with my taste buds! i think i'm gonna throw it away. ick.
OH YA. my mum got tipsy after two sips of some alcoholic thingy that's supposed to aid health? fucking lousy -.- no wonder i'm so bad at drinking! >

day i went shopping with Cyn. didn't take much photos! Weewee's super pretty top!

pretty random mix from here on.

what Carson ordered and nearly finished all of.

Butter with K and Cyn!

stolen from Cyn's blog.
her camera's flash like nice only! quite natural, unlike mine. *sulks*
met up with Huishan the day before yesterday, and we were nua-ing all the way, with no idea what to do. so, we went to NTUC, where she bought a carton of milk, and i bought aloe vera! we were the sad and depressed girls, only we weren't that sad and depressed because we had each other for company! hahahaha that girl is sucha bimbo!

accidental zoom. the aloe vera jar cap was so damn tight that we couldn't open it. another guy i approached it couldn't either. sat there and whined until i saw this foreign worker and asked him to help me open the jar, and he opened it so easily! HAHA. i think men do come in handy in times like these. such a typical weak female situation!

met up with Huishan again yesterday! and she accompanied over me to A's place. but while waiting for that idiot, we nua-ed at her house, and we started putting makeup. LOL. even though we were only going to hougang areas. HAHA. and when we reached A's place, i started helping her draw in her brows, while she lent me her blusher. camwhored with her camera, mine, and her webcam while at her place.

done! omgz so many pictures! for me at least. one of the first times i'm putting up so many photos at one shot! hahaha but i've many many pictures still in my digi cam, and with Hs, or in facebook.
haven't done new year ones! okie i shall make it a point to try to blog with more pictures. though i love just typing endless entries filled to the brim with words when i feel super emo shitz. HAHA
shall try to tidy up my computer files and stuff like that. hopefully there'll be work later! :D goodnight/good morning people!
just the way you are
ps: slowly, but surely.

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