"your fingertips across my skin"
supposed to be reading up on some reading material my dad gave me for my course. and it's mother-fuckingly thick and horrible with fine print. killing my eyes, and it's making me sleepy to-the-maxxxxxxxxx, and my hand is aching cause i'm making notes along with it.
i really hope that i'll be able to cope with everything; it seems like such a taxing/demanding course, study study and more study. hate that part, studying, scribbling endless notes, struggling to keep my eyelids up, fighting the temptation to just crash on my bed/ find other entertainment.
one good thing about going back to studying is the allowance i'll be able to get. high and dry these few months, okay not exactly so, but it's hard to manage without an exact amount coming in. took too much for granted, loved those few months where i had my pay; queen of the worlddddddd! i felt.
guess money does really make the world spin, a huge part of mine at least, and i'll bet yours too.
another good thing is the excuse to get more clothes! added up the total amount of everything i want to buy that i saw online, and it totalled up to approximately $509.
wonder if i'll ever get the $$$$$ to get it. sucks luh.
i wanna be rich i wanna be rich i wanna be rich i wanna be rich i wanna be rich..... uh duh.....? who doesn't?
alright, so maybe meeting up with Bec on Thursday, hopefully. and meeting Bb tomorrow for his hospital checkup, then maybe hopping over to Sebas's place for some chit-chat after.
i dread the 29th..... !!!!1!!1!!!!! gosh don't know what to wear, what to bring; i'll probably forget to bring stationary; the essentials. blablah. and hiding in a corner like some loner. f()ck, starting all-over-again. okay at least it's better then nothing; and i want change, i guess, it's just the very thing i'm afraid of too. don't humans always?
ick, and i just realized that "Psychology 3rd Edition" has become a mini table upon which my laptop has come to rest. -..-
darn tired, so i guess i'll go get my shut-eye. Bb'll throw a fit if i show up late again. but i can't help it lah! and even he conceded that 'good things are worth waiting for', totally taking a leave from my book when he said that to his mum or something.
i want my items..... ))))): i want to shop, i want money. and i think Bb just sighed when he heard that i want to spend money. can't help it la. after i clear debts, then i confirm go splurge already.
kay off i go. ima be a rich person! sheng sheng sheng, mama zhui bang!
and i just realized my music was on at full blast, think there's something wrong with my brain/ears; i have a damn good ability at tuning out things.
i'll hold you up sugar.
ps: cause sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad; ................ in my head till further notice.
i'm not going to trust anything that you say. (:
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