Monday, June 8, 2009

talk about something that isn't dead

"when i love you a little less than before."

broken strings keep playing in my head. gah!

so, drama at Kgarden, again. i guess that's what you get when you put humans, alcohol, and a whole shit load of emotions together. nearly every time, there'll be something stupid going on, and it's totally exasperating, but hey, what's life without a little drama right?

anyway, have been mapling these few days! and Darren chiong-ed ahead of us all. d4mn! HA.

and maple is really a game full of super xialan people; the mere thought of it makes me quite irritated. like helllo, having a higher level doesn't give you a right to go around ks-ing people like wtf?! super annoying. and maplers like to say 'I CAME HERE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!' and refuse to move or cc. RAH.

what the fuck i tell you. damn annoying. and i keep falling asleep, like literally. lying on my bed, and staring at the screen, then slowly..... well, it's fun anyway, yup!

hungry hungry. and i really feel like watching a movieeeeeeeeeeee! haven't watched one in the longest while. didn't go on the trips to watch 'Night at the Museum 2' and 'MvA' ): to do with money issues and Bb not going, and so the guilt factor.

alright so..... at least there's some tuition job every Saturday and Wednesday, starting this Sat, and stupid me scheduled a job right on the day of his P-o-p thing. no wonder something was nagging at me at the back of my mind. >< so yeah gotta rush from where ever that place is to my tuition thingy in Serangoon. -..- gah.

kay off to shower and meet Bb. seriously he doesn't seem to be under confinement. -..- what with weekends out and mc's and doctor appointments.....

alright byeeeee!

(photos up soon. .. ?!?!)

before it's too late

ps: i don't want it to be all we ever talk about.

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