"baby i'm your biggest fan"
damnnnnn. the weather is m-fuckingly hot, and a fan simply can't suffice. however, some conscience thing is weighing down on me since i've switched on the air-conditioning for the past few days. damn hot luh! but yeah shan't switch it on shall act like a very eviromentally considerate person. -..-
sebas came over for some project of his, and i'm basically going to help him do his project and all. HA though he's gonna find all the information. so yeah find it a waste of my intelligence by me not studying. laughs see what an arrogant person i am? HAHA no luh kidding, but i miss letting my brains work properly feel mentally stifled sometimes.
and..... it was damn funny. people were saying something like, 'better not let A know, later he get angry' (regarding sebas coming over) then i was like listening, and proudly saying, 'he already know luh' blabla.
yay ice cream in the middle of the night. damn fattening i know, but it's been so long since i ate icecream! though its all melted and all, but yum.
kay off to watch the hana yuri dango final episode = the movie????? -..-
feel like hopping back into my Korean world. wonder how Bb react. did tell him that, and he was like "what about me?" in some ))))): kind of a way. -..-
kaythxbyeeeee! meet up with dear friends soon, me like.
btw, supposed to help sebas do but instead i'm over here slacking.HAHA!
i miss you dear, i miss you dearly.
ps: you make me smile. a lot.
Johanna says (2:13 AM):
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
*and jhdasdpkd..?
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
*! jahnfuehjnfkje - mfjhjef
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
*sims language
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
*mmmmdhajjja.... !
DARREN, you are my strength when i was weak, my voice when i couldnt speak. says (2:14 AM):
Johanna says (2:14 AM):
*#*U@)$ jdanfkkkndia,msmkl
D and i have the most intelligent conversations sometimes.
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