don't you hate the moments inbetween waiting to prepare to go out? fighting the drowsiness. FIGHT IT JOH! can't afford to be late. literally and not.
this sucks.
update soon (: gotta think of what to wear. day to night outfit for today, and the last time i wore a clubbing outfit to school, i got bitched about by three bitches in the toilet.
Jass: eh Johanna you know those three bitches in the toilet right?
Me: ya why?
Jass: they were bitching about you leh!
Me: what they say? confirm say my outfit too short blabla one lah.
Jass: ya! they were saying why that girl wear until so short, she think she going club ah?
Me: but i am going to club what! (Cyn's birthday)
Jass: exactly!
sighs in exasperation. you can't fucking expect me to wear a maxi dress or something when i'm so bloody short right? and when school ends in the evening, it's hard to go home and change up when you stay bloody far away and preparation time takes more than an hour.
tsk girls. (HAHA)
what i need is a pokeball.
totally, and utterly confused.
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