"you don't know how lovely you are"
it's been quite a long while since i've updated.
some long overdue photos up in this post. HG^2 will finally have his photos (:
am doing some tea tree mask and i'm supposed to go wash it off but i'm kind of lazy you know you know you know?
sigh, why is money so hard to come by? need a job a job a job. xm mentioned something about going back to M1 to work; i don't mind luh, it's actually quite a good job eh. but i have no idea whether he's serious about it or not.
bec's not working at oriental already, so it's kind of weird if i go back to work, and showtec (sp?) is for guys only but wha lao i seriously believe i can do it. LOLLOL. after all, they allllllllllways exclaim how man i am.
the reason why i'm blogging about showtec(sp) suddenly, is cause some of them went to work today. grumpy shit, i've been facing situations and events that make me wish i were a man. like, with a dick and all.
but yeah never mind lah, being a girl does have it's benefits, like for example, not having to pay when we go to places like k garden. they will automatically count the number of dicks in the room, and all those who don't have that lump of meat does not have to pay.
ming kang was like 'i don't get it why don't girls have to pay ah?" HAHA. damn funny, but he's kind of ke lian cause he had to cough some money up the other time, for singing at the mike twice(then he stopped cause someone complained about his singing), and he didn't really drink cause he's allergic to alcohol. HAHA.
sad. but oh well, life's like that. -..-
quite a number of things have happened since i last blogged, some good some average and some that are very very bad.
New years eve wasn't very nice; problematic and explosive. the days after were okay though.
caught a few movies; ong bak, ip man, and some others which i have forgotten about. ong bak is a not bad movie with a fucking stupid ending. seriously, the ending is one of the stupidest out of all the movies i've seen. in fact, i think it's the stupidest. LOL
good thing the kicking of arses in the show was not bad.

there, a few photos from christmas eve up. did i mention it was quite an idiotic affair? around twelve to midnight the tree totally shut down; the lights went out and everything.
we were expecting that perhaps when it reached midnight, the tree would light up and everyone will go "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" but..... nope, wasn't going to happen. the tree stayed lightless all the way ):
new years eve was another fucking stupid occasion, full of trouble and crowded places and fireworks that couldn't be seen. however, thats for another post.
school tomorrow, and if i still don't turn up, that bighead's going to be mad at me AGAIN. tsk. we've been arguing and making up and arguing and making up these few days.
getting quite bored of it, but oh wellllllllllll.
why do thoughts of infedelity keep filtering through that "NOT ALLOWED HERE!" barrier i put up in my mind? HAHA, just kidding (: i'm not such a person.
fuck it lah why are jobs so hard to find. PEK CHEK.
okay bye.
we'll live
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