stayed at home today. again. -..-
was supposed to meet Darren and the rest at plaza earlier, but decided not to. heading out with Mabel tomorrow, and i hope the IT fair pay will come in by then, cause i've got to start clearing me some debts!
things i did today:
helped hong guo out with his blog template, started on the tee shirt shrug thing i saw online last night (only i used a turtleneck), and checked out some schools i could go to.
having a blinding headache right now, but i think i'm going to proceed on with my shrug cause i have to complete something. didn't really complete that baby doll top i made out of my mum's old white blouse, cause the strap area was kind of screwed, so i have to handsew, which is a pain in the ass, like literally. at least i completed that black cropped jacket thingy. have to get some proper buttons on though, and sew that button hole.
gahhhhhhhhhhh. wish i could just snap my fingers and tadahhhh! -..- but i guess that's what you get when you have no money to get new stuff. LOL. i make it out like i'm super poor,huh.
no photos todayyyyyyy. oh wait, yes there are.

none of me though. LOL. this was the night before big head enlisted, location: drinkers.
LIM HONG GUO IS SUPER MA FAN! hahahahaha. but it's nothing a sakura meal won't make up for :D
okay off to help him edit his stuff and all.
be right back!
get through to you.
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