Monday, March 16, 2009

look at this! look at that .

did i mention how i wasn't bored in the previous post? welllllllll, i changed my mind. I AM VERY BORED NOW.

plus i feel like puking, but barf+acids from stomach+ sore throat = a very big bitch, so i think i will just hold it in.

mabel asked me a question just now, regarding ..... and i guess it says a lot about my principles. i mean, am i supposed to find it surprising that i will be sorely tempted to ___________ ? yes, it's all about the morals and principles.

and i'm wondering about things on those lines. been a long time since i've sat down and did a contemplative post aye?

what if you meet two people you really liked, and one expressed interest in you, while the other remained unexpressive all these while, till after some time? when you're already with another. now bear in mind that you really like the both of them, so who is to choose between the other?

i guess that's why people will cheat on their s/o i guess? i don't knowwwww.

feels disapproving stares * but yes, people do have to choose, and it's a choice you have to make.

alright drop it. HAHA.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. bec's coming over later, and i'm not stepping out of my house (:

job hunting with her plus lots of chitty chitty chatty chatty.

i miss livejournal, in some ways. it's somehow easier to blog over there.

OH YA. cynthia got a mac book. damn annoying right! HAHA. and i want a new laptop and a new handphone! and a new digi cam. all in pink preferably.

any kind donors? i'll be grateful for life! gahhhhh bored shit.

five more days, five more days. yay yay yay yay yay. (:

the ah goh goh show is on on channel eight now. i'm a little lost as to what the whole concept of the show is about.

and i miss readinggggg. ): and watching movies.

i can feel the calories piling on already! two packs of soupy beehoon plus one packet of super oily oyster omelete. and do strepsils have calories? cause i've been sucking on them all day. binghui was nice enough to get them for me!

gah . waiting for that idiot big head to call me after cleaning his bunk. hohummmmmmmm. 'b ah, can you help me do something before i come out? can you help me print photo? i want to paste on my cupboard, and cause everyone have i don't have.' with my questions inserted between .

HAHAHAHAHA. aw melts. idiot, stupid fuck.

OH yes. big head said that his bunk 4D number opened yesterday. 3105? hahaha not sure. i have no idea why that number seems so familiar.

kthxbye (:

i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

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