"clutching our scars and broken hearts; we smile"
here's one edited picture, of K Leow and me, at the museum on sunday, which was her birthday!
went to plaza to meet bighead for dinner. ate that salmon rice bowl thing, and it was nice, but i had that 'i want to barfffff!' feeling again.
my God, i keep waking up super early. like i slept at..... one-ish ? in the morning after chatting with Jay on the phone. was prepared to conk out, when he called and made me more alert. but after some more freecell, i fell back asleep.
freecell is damn nice. can feel my brain moving, and solitaire seems so easy to play now, after freecell. LOL. saw mabel playing and it looked damn interesting so i went home to play too!
-..- dumb shit.
and now 'hai kuo tian kong' is playing in my head for idk what reason. -..-
boreeeeed shitszzxzxxzxzxzzxzxzx.
and i'm damn hungry, but there's nothing that i can think of that i feel like eating eh, unless it's soup. i totallllyyyy love soup! grrrrr.
hungry hungry.
and..... something made me realize some things. LOL i'm not trying to be funny or what luh.
anyway..... yeah, i guess i'm alright now. but maybe it's cause.....
maybe it's cause i'm hungry -..-
back later to blog some more, maybe with more pictures. there's one of me that K says looks like a cute little puppy dog -..- wthhhhhhhh. hahaha
anyway, off to scavange for something to eat, then maybe later the temple with baka john. i know i'm a christian and all, but i'm sure God won't blame me! cause He's nice like that. -..- LOLLL. and i mean it! hafta get something luh.
and..... we'll see how it goes between us. i'll miss you. (:
my lips speak,
but it's my heart that beats.
ps: a letter, a word, a heart, a .....
pps: goodnight love.
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