out with cynthia neo xr today! even though it was for a few hours, i really enjoyed myself, cause i missed her like goodness knows what. -..- reminds me of the 'good old days' where we'd go out and stay out enjoying and enjoying and enjoying and enjoying and enjoying. -..-
oh wellllllllllllll. so, we were supposed to meet up at 2pm, but we met each other at 7.30pm in the end. yes and i know people who know me who read this will probably go 'ya cause johanna was LATE!' and i just want to say, 'IT'S NOT ENTIRELY ME HOR!' to that. LOLLOL.
you see ah, cause we chatted on the phone till five to six? then we went to bed. then when i woke up it was nine, and i couldn't sleep, so i watched a movie on mio, and called cyn to ask if she still wanted to meet up at 2, cause she hadn't called by then, so i assumed she was still sleeping, AND I WAS RIGHT!
so we arranged to meet at four instead, but okay lah. i postponed it to five, then six..... then seven. LOL. sorry :D you know the phrase 'good things are worth waiting for' right? hahahaha it applies to this situation (:
met up and rushed to the shops cause they were closing, and i bought a bag and a top, while she bought a top and something else which i can't remember. another top i think. -..- end of story.
OH YA I REMEMBER. she bought another two cardigans. one of which i wanted. but cause i'm damn nice like that and it was the last piece, i let her have it. LOLLLLL. damn nice right -..- okay la. not necessarily like that, but whatever. that knitted cardi is damn nice i swearrrrr.
hate it when i go shopping and i see something i like which my good friend also likes. like damn awkward la like have to do the 'you want you buy lor never mind one *insert big smile*' thing. LOL so annoying lah! when you want to have it but for the sake of your friend..... hahahahaha so the next time this happens cyn shall let me have it instead -..- whatever la i say until like i'm super wei da like that.
and she kept going "JOH DON'T LIKE THAT LEH!" cause i kept rushing around in a semi-frenzy, cause the shops were all closing.
i hate that feeling like i'm not done with shopping and the shops actually have the audacity to want to close when I WANT TO SHOP!. damn irritating i swear. LOL okay i'm the queen of England ma.
okay rambling!
went home after; caught the last train&bus. like *shock /gaspppppps!* whatever la my parents insisted on me coming home. another super irritating thing. -..-
but met up with bec and her boyfriend after i got home. super convenient to have one of my best friends staying four blocks away from me! chitted chatted, and here i am, at home once again.
anyway, pictures up! yes, i look retarded i know. but still pretty right! HAHA okay stuff it.

some more on cyn's blog. LOL i so want to redye my hair pleaseeeeeeeee ):
and we were discussing something just now, about how people might like to judge others based on what they 'think' they know of the other; but for God's sake luh if you don't know the person well enough to make an assumption of any sort, then DON'T. i'm saying this because i'm not happy on how some people like to say stuff like 'oh i think xxxxx has changed blablabla because blablabla and she's so blablabla'.
like what the bloody fuck you don't even know so and so well enough to make such a judgement eh. and you can't judge someone based on something that is so fucking superficial. and how the hell can you say something like 'she/he has changed', when you didn't even know who he/she really was to start with?! really eh i'm super unhappy when it comes to such cases, cause you fucking have no rights to comment like that. i mean if you are his/her good friend then well by all means say what ever you want, because you have the actual rights to, because you knew he/she before what ever happened to make people think that they changed.
so yeah people, shut up if you want to make such stupid comments, because it just shows how shallow and stupid you are. dumb fucks.
okay i think this is the first time i'm saying something like this outright. but i seriously don't agree with people saying that. lol
oh ya and cyn and i are still "attuned to each other's forces" LOL.
'Johanna says:
cynthia says:
'Johanna says:
out with cynthia neo xr today!
'Johanna says:
LOL thats the first sentence in my blog
'Johanna says:
like i go put your entire name
cynthia says:
'Johanna says:
and you put my entire name
cynthia says:
cynthia says:
'Johanna says:
'Johanna says:
LOLLOL i';m so blogging abt it
cynthia says:
creepy shit
cynthia sent 3/4/2009 4:41 AM:
y does everyone call u johanna the great?
'Johanna says:
'Johanna says:
why not
cynthia says:
ok pwned i nth to say
cynthia says:
okay i think no one else is going to get it -..-I'M HUNGRY ):
going off. sleep tight fuckers!
afterthought: this is a fucking long post.
like you weren't there.
ps: some things people said went into my head, and those thoughts are spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning through it. i guess we really, need to talk.
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