"i'm taking back my love."boring.
it feels like i haven't been out in ages. >=[ not properly, at least. short on cash as well fuck this sucks!
need a job, need a job. but no time, plus studying. needs needs needs needs needs. i think i have a 101 more needs than the Maslow needs thingy.
fucking hate my appetite too; it's like growing and growing and growing and growing and growing i swear. keep having to munch on stuff. PLUS i've been breaking out even more! and oh my God i just discovered cracks in my laptop.
watching 'Just My Luck' on the PiPi thingy, and i feel like Lindsay Lohan, just not as unlucky of course.
Daiso trip with Yutong! forced him to take photos and wear a red hat all around the store. plus he was the one pushing the cart. nice friend :D

me: this one very nice! but not good it breaks easily.
Yutong: was that a pun?
(talking about the red ceramic ashtray below)
get it get it? bet you don't, except for .....

from friday night, before we went to Powerhouse.

oh yeah some guys are just plain disgusting and irritating. and others just have lame pick up lines.
Cyn posted one example of that guy who tried to take her number, and this is the full version.the friend of that guy was like:
friend: hi, uh i saw you walking past and i think that you're very attractive.
me: uhhhh..... *glancing at Cyn and saw her being attacked by the other guy* okay thanks.
friend: i was thinking if i can get your number, maybe ask you out to lunch?
me: uhh....... *wtf wtf look at Cyn in that horrified expression and she was looking at me in the similar way*
Cyn: *stumbles over act drunk* Joh! i'm drunk!
me: okay okay *go hold her* *turns to guy* sorry ah i've to take care of my friend. she's drunk. bye!
friend: oh... okay i understand, maybe in a next life?
me: ah ya okay sure :D
weird guy who hit on Cyn: actually i'm sick!
weird guy who hit on Cyn: i'm love sick!
guy: you have very big eyes!
me: uhhh okay thank you?
guy: your eyes are very big and nice!
me: ahhh thank you (:
guy: i bet a lot of people told you that!
me: okay okay la. *how am i supposed to react?*
guy: you drink half i drink half *he hands me a glass*
me: sorry i'm allergic to alcohol. if i drink i will die.
guy: really meh?!
me: ya. i will die.
guy: i don't believe you.
me: i don't wanna prove it to you
guy: then you come here for what?
me: i come here to dance?
guy: then can you dance?
me: no i can't dance.
guy: eh drink this!
me: cannot la i'm allergic to alcohol. if i drink i will die.
guy: don't bluff la!
me: really really. i will die and i don't want to die.
guy: ya lor someone as cute and pretty as you cannot die. if you die i will have heartache *points to wrong side of chest*
-.- amongst others. fucking stupid!!!!!
ahh loads of drama the day after shan't dwell on it, since things are fine and well now. thank God!
i've no idea what i'm doing though, it's like taking the plunge into deep choppy water with a punctured life vest; totally stupid and unsafe.
ah okay, maybe going running with ______ this weekend, and meeting up with him tomorrow for dinner. frozen guo ties ftw!
i hope to meet up with my respective loves soon, especially K, Bc and Hb. been so long since i seen any of them, especially Bc!
and Hs and i should really do the budget nail painting thing for each other. LOL.
kk been long since such a damn long post. i wish xiaxue will update her blog already. (yes i like reading her blog, she's funny. though i don't agree with every thing she says.)
anyway, shall finish up my movie and off to bed i go.
baby steps
ps: you should take care of it well.