i'm bored. just did my nails and have been chatting with Cyn for the whole night.
ooh did cherry tomato kind of red and black tips. i think it looks kinda weird, but aiya shan't remove em. hands kept shaking though, like shiver shiver * -.-
i wanna go shopping! there's a long list of whatever i wanna buy.
meeting up with K and the rest tomorrow in the noon, and on friday night it's Jonathan's house havoc time. HAHA not really la, but it's like a remake, cause his parents are going out of town.
feel like playing mahjong again suddenly -.-
ooh wanna get a proper foundation. fuck acne scars! damn irritating i swear.
FUCK. mozilla crashed and my whole fucking post is gone. KNNNNNNNNNN. so turn offish i don't wanna blog already ): and i was in my element some more lor! like with proper thoughts and all.
kay nvm pictures first. most of em are of Cyn and i from these past few days.
at town to catch a movie that has Bruce Willis in it.
OH! 'The Surrogate' NOT BAD actually.

H.Plaza to play pool with a few friends.

Karaoke place at Bugis with Cyn, Jianbing, John, Zhixiang and Peter. quite nice luh the place! there was a smoke machine and they totally overdid it by pressing the button manically. had to literally escape -..-

MICKY!!!!! (mickey) Zhixiang and Ruixiang's dog. damn cute!!!!! and she's really obedient t

seems like a lot happened and like a long while has passed, but actually it's only been a few weeks.
was thinking about stuff, and how sad i was over A, blablablablabla. and i think i really let my emotions get the better of me too much. i should have handled em better, should've let go with more dignity and grace.
never thought i'd be okay now though, not this soon. never thought i'd wake up and go through the day with my thoughts being far away from where he is. never thought i'd be able to smile and just be happy. never thought i'd be able to say, it's a good thing that he's with another girl, never thought i'd be able to say that i'm glad we broke up.
but maybe that's just me, cause i tend to take good things out of everything that happens, even if i feel damn fucked up about things. everything happens for a reason; it just takes a little time and perspective to get a good look at the bigger picture. i guess somehow, in some way, everything will just fall into place yeah?
i like living in the moment; it creates many more memories for me to look back on. but at the same time i've to live in the future as well. cause it's not good to forget responsibilities the way i've been doing for too long.
okay too lengthy! my diary is a good place to store all my thoughts. now if only my parents can stop reading it.....
oh ya dad locked the metal gate today using the actual key and not just for the lock . fucking annoying. when my sister asked him why he locked it, he replied: 'eh so nobody can go out at night.'
-..- wtf obviously talking about me! damn irritating. i hope it doesn't become a habit of his to lock everything. fucked up. but smart though. >>>>>:[ that's how irritated i am.
okay calling Cyn back, though something tells me she's nearly asleep.
uh oh, uh oh.
ps: (:
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