and i accidentally deleted photos with Hs from FEP. okay only two la. but like cute only. -.-

i'm so going back for that thing with the gingko nuts. nice!!!!!

see my good skills

and karen's lousy one.

like lousy only! so blurred.
i really want a new phone. and a lot of things amongst others.
feeling exhausted plus i think i'm sick. damn urgghhhh-ish! ): i wanna eat though. campbell soup in chicken or mushroom flavor please!..... ):
super hungry. and sleepy. someone save me please!
mum got pissed off at everyone in the family except for me. now that i'm really thinking about it, i realize that that's actually a first. cause normally she's not angry at anyone, EXCEPT for me.
-.- it was about some smoking thing..... and i think she's angry at dad cause i think that she thinks that he's being a bad influence.
i'm really effing hungry.
you don't stand a chance
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