"made for eternity"
Johanna says (11:21 PM):
cynthia; says (11:25 PM):
Johanna says (11:26 PM):
*ques pa?
*jeta luanchomnan ques vespeas
*le latuuei
cynthia; says (11:27 PM):
cynthia; says (11:28 PM):
Johanna says (11:28 PM):
*nahsdlfuamsd ;
cynthia; says (11:28 PM):
Johanna says (11:28 PM):
cynthia; says (11:28 PM):
*nur aorhadm poenba neihdnblo
Johanna says (11:29 PM):
*sadjisamkm kum kum nahhhsadkoixl;ap
cynthia; says (11:29 PM):
*jaja krerniababcod
Johanna says (11:30 PM):
*akjivkao bingbing
Johanna says (11:27 PM):
*vas pax non uliasa mas petite?
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (11:27 PM):
*ayuma watmat unela
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (11:28 PM):
Johanna says (11:28 PM):
*annao klam
yes, they get me entirely. lol!
can't wait for tomorrow!!!!! though it's just a silly trip, but i've been wanting to get off this island since forever, and this is one of the best timings to do it!
so so so so so gonna get massaged to the tip of my toes, and so gonna dye my hair, do my nails, and buy what ever i can/want. just watched 'Confessions of a Shoppaholic', and i'm so inspired to spend more money. lol!
downside of it is that mum and dad will definitely not allow me to wander off on my own, cause supposedly once i'm kidnapped i'm gone. and apparently they like fair skinned pretty girls. HAHAHAHAHA i luv how my parents think the world of me.
wonder if i'll be this blind when it's my turn. or not. choy choy *
anyway, g2g do my skirt. ttfn, TATAFORNOWWWWW! i think i sound drunk -..- NEED A HANGOVERRRRRRR!!!!! LOL. nice movie btw, more on that next time (:
it seems like pretty much every person goes through shit in relationships. there are a million other girls out there who have cried their hearts out for some guy that isn't really worth their time, done silly silly things to make themselves feel better, faked it with a smile, till the day they really made it. cried themselves to sleep over countless of flashbacks to the past. maybe not only girls, but guys too.
but i know it gets better. it surely will. how else do those very same people stand up, lead new lives, fall back into love with very different people, the ones who will take their hearts seriously, and guard it well? how else do they say 'i used to be in love', or 'i had this ex who ....' how else do they look back and laugh? maybe i'm not in that stage where i can say those things, but logic tells me that i will. i can't be hung up on one guy all the time, and there's much more to life than a guy, or a relationship, especially at this age.
and i'm not saying that he wasn't worth my time, nor am i saying he didn't take my heart seriously. i'm just saying, that i know, i'll get over him someday. and i know, it's going to take a lot for me to pull down those walls i built up years ago, that i brought down for him. it's going to take a lot for me to really and truly feel for another guy, as much as i've felt for him. but i will. someday. i know i will.
and someday it's not gonna hurt anymore, someday i'm not gonna think about him, not gonna dream about him, not gonna want to hear his voice, or feel his arms around me. maybe one day i'll just wake up with a smile plastered to my face and go to sleep without any difficulty, eat meals without feeling like i've no apetite, without unpleasant thoughts bombarding my mind like WW1&2 all over again. won't wonder how he's doing or worry about his wellbeing.
and i know i'm getting better cause i sang songs that usually made me cry with a smile on my face! still turned off other guys though.
okay long day tomorrow, and it's just my two cents worth.
Batam > Town w Kama and co. > Sebas's for drinking&mahjong.
oh and waiting for M to come over -..- i realize i have v v v v v little clothing that aren't black or grey. but mostly black.
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