loads of photos, and i've been editing them all the way.
got to get a proper camera, my phone just can't make it! flash too bright making me look noseless and faceless, so i've decided to just go all the way with some. hehe
oh ya and some parts are censored for your own good. (:
events not in order:
a photo from that meetup with K, the only one of her.

some day from don't know when, and my whole face looks so damn swollen!

shawn, the dweepy runaway kid; from that night at H.Plaza.

Yilin's chalet, with Justin my Bitch! half of his face only, but the other one CMI. we should meet up soon! and i've no idea why only my face caught the flash, making it damn white.

some random changing room. I WANNA SHOP! ):

anyway, photos from yesterday!
now i know why Bec was so crazy over it! it's darn good luh!

and i know he'll kill me for posting this.

void deck near that free chinese medicine clinic that Mingkang and i went to ages ago.

the glove animal i made! cute right!!!!! brought it out to see the world. okayyyyy more like Kovan and all, but still, it's made with Luvvvvvvvvvvv!

okay that's all! there're some more, but i think i'm too lazyyyyyyyy to edit. and i hate the way unedited photos look, cause it's only taken by a lousy handphone camera with an overbright flash.
i wanna steal my mum's digital camera! pinkkkkkkkk. ): and wait till i can afford my DSLR. which i think might be ten years down the road. LOL
oh yeah, so M'sia, supposedly. and well my parents woke up later then me and i got in at 6 am. -..- so look where i got my swine syndrome from? hehe.
school tomorrow, what a dragggggggggg. but the plus point of tomorrow is that i'll get to see Cynthia! provided she feels well enough, so fingers crossed! movie plus window shopping [ ):] and lots of cam-whoring.
we're totally in tune with each other sometimes, so much that it's scary. shan't elaborate here, but it's really freaky, the stuff that happened so far. anyway, luvvvvv you to bits darling, so see you tomorrrrrowwwww don't dua me! ):
oh yeah, i've been asking for a dog for the past few days, cause my neighbours got one! a little maltese puppy that looks so damn cute! makes me want one tooooooo. and my parents don't wanna get one. ): shall go on whining about it and see what happens. HAHA.
and i've got my eye on this Chanel bag, that's utterly pretttttyyyyyy. but can't afford it now, since my allowance is so crazily balanced. can't start to save for one either, but i luvvv luv luvvv it.....
Dad came into the room already, and he's going on about how i have to sleep cause there's school tomorrow, and blablablablabla. got.to.wake.up.in.time.no.more.skipping!!!!!
okay gtg bb luvs!
if you meant what you said
ps: i'm really happy that you've said that you'll try to work things out, and i hope they do. @:
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