"you're delusional, you're delusional"
hey you motherfuckers, so what's it with those rumors you're throwing about? for one, about another you don't even fucking know, and for another you're talking about things that didn't even happen.
heard the term kiss and tell? well you shouldn't, do it i mean. even worse, NOT kissing and telling something that didn't happen? how manly does that make YOU?! i mean seriously what the fuck is your problem, hello nothing of that sort happened, and what did happen, you didn't have to act like such an immature little kid and go blabbering about it.
so big deal, it was a club, alcohol was involved, and it was a mistake. obviously duh, to go anywhere near THAT mouth? hell yeah, LOTS of alcohol. i mean seriously dude fucking grow up. so what? you didn't kiss before? no-one ever touched those innocent virgin lips of yours? seriously what.the.fuck?! to actually go around proclaiming so loudly of things that didn't happen? fuck you! oh wait. NO, don't. no-one ever did.
seriously does that boost your ego? parading around something that didn't happen? is she supposed to thank you for ruining her reputation? lol! like what Mariah sang, "WHY YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME?!" or in this case, HER.
seriously i am fucking pissed off, and i don't even fucking know who the fuck this guy is. probably some ugly bastard who can't get any so he has to make up some fucking lie to make it seem like he does. if you're reading this, then please go and fucking get some prostitutes to show you what a blowjob really is? oh yeah does that make you feel all manly? what, she blew you and was so experienced that she knew when you were about to come? well i'd bet if anyone touched that dick of yours, your stamina would so lousy that you'd come within the first five seconds. yeah bastard. die happy!
hyeah and i'm fucking pissed off with other people too, namely this girl who acted so sweet in front of my darling, and fucking backstabbed her. you mean you heard SOME stuff? oh from who? the guy who received the "blowjob"?! hahahaha and there you are acting like some innocent girl, well honey news for you! your reputation ain't squeaky clean either, you're a bitch, a two faced fuckup and people do think that of you (: and you've spoken to her on what? two occasions? nice one yeah bitch, you're THAT close to her huh. please, worry about your own reputation before talking about others. well, if the subject of THIS paragraph is reading this, then listen up bitch: you're fucking proving all the people out there who think you're a fucking two-headed snake right, and i guess they are. C fucking gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you're not a slimy disgusting triple faced whatever, and she even said, 'she's quite sweet what'. hyeahhhhhh how wrong is she? HAHA. and even when they said 'She's not even pretty what, such a backstabber, i don't even know why guys like to get close to her. BE CAREFUL OF HER.' and yknow what C said? 'but she has nothing to backstab me about what, what can she say?'
oh yeah. SO WRONG HUH. i guess people in NYP M. learn how to make things out of thin air. okay not all, maybe some..... namely.....? i seriously don't get why such people can be so fucked up yknow, what are you trying to prove? especially when you have no link to the matter at all, why would you wanna go around saying things like 'oh you know some stuff' -..- yeah know what exactly? can you fucking look C in her face and tell her what you know? or look in that mirror and see that backstabbing reflection of yours?
AND, to all the other people who keep talking about this fucking matter. fucking grow up. yeah discussions about it are fine, cause obviously who doesn't gossip? but wah seh, EVERY SINGLE DAY? don't you all have other people to talk about, your own lives to live? apparently not, since you're harping on other people's lives, and even worse, their sex lives?!?!?!?!?! or in this guy's case; his NON-EXISTENT one.
fuck you very much! oh wait. don't. later you tell people how?! HAHA. yeah you wish she fucked you. YOU WISH. don't talk about her like something more than that happened. don't talk about her like you fucking know her. don't even think of making judgments if you fucking don't know what went on; if you don't know the whole two sides of the story. it's just bloody childish, grow up already, don't you all have better things to do?
if it happened, it happened. if it didn't, DON'T SAY IT DID. yeah it's only a fucking club. whatever happens, stays there, in the night. don't fucking kiss and tell and prove that you're just a kid when it comes to such matters. such a fucking gentleman, thanks? ever thought of what will happen to her reputation? i mean she's a girl eh for crying out loud. being called a slut when she didn't even do anything that warrants that with you?! honestly, in my opinion, you're fucking lame cause you actually went around telling people that you had sex and got a blowjob from C. trying to step one Eminem going around saying how he fucked Mariah? oh yeah if you're planning to say things like 'NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!' then fuck you, it's F.O.C for douchebags like you.
well at least we know the credibility of this rumor, and like in Gossip Girl, it'll go something like: 'Spotted: Pathetic D's making a big fat lie out of nothing, casting C as his main lead. obviously, nothing happened, but who's to say what else T will 'hear' and spread around? believe what you want, but certainly believe this: What goes around, definitely comes around."
you know you love me bitches!
Johanna T.
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