so, exams the week after next. oh God, save me! haven't studied for anything, and luckily there's Iza to go to for questions though i think she's pretty lost herself. didn't think i'd have a friend in class without going for class! hahahahaha. yayyyy luv luv God. (:
anyway..... been nua-ing for the whole weekend, basically sleep > wake up > computer > eat > sleep > computer > ..... rinse and repeat as instructed. Dad got really mad cause he says i'm addicted to the computer.
study break starting from tomorrow, and so I.HAVE.TO.STUDY. anyone?????
okay, John just called and i think it's mahjong time tomorrow..... should i bring
ooh 11:11! make a wish people! kay done. heheee.
okay anyway, as i was saying, i've no idea if i should bring no name along. lolszzz.
alright, i think this will be quite a long post, cause i've the urge to post up stuff that i want! (in no particular order.....)
- shoes!

Jimmy Choo

Miu Miu

okay many many more but... laziness has got the better of me.
last one = my faveeeee. always wanted to have those long ponytails just yknow some casual look. HAHA. damn it why'd i have to go snip it off when i was pri 4?? i think. hmmz. and short hair all the way OMG.
ah okay enough. no money plus no more mood to continue this post. fucking annoying humans i swear.
stop acting like a three year old and expect me to keep up with you. who the hell are you anywayyyyyyy I DONT KNOW YOU WELL OKAY, don't gimme your tantrums and expect me to soothe your anger. fuck ?!?!?!?! i'm not that kind of girl in the first place so don't give me those expectations and don't get mad when i laugh in your face for acting that way. reallyyyyyyy.....
anyway, going off.
maybe back to edit. bye
putting it all aside.
ps: byebye.
edited :
oh yeah i wanna write this here for SAM!!!!! hi idiot, take care when you're in camp! don't be emo shit cause you're going in. and find a clean helmet!!!!! HAHAHAHA. i think you should treat me to another k session when you come out :DDDDDD kidding lah take care ahh! plus don't anyhow pee now 7th month careful! hahaha bbyeeee.
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