okayie. realized that my blog has been quite photo-less recently, cause i keep forgetting to charge my phone = no batt = it's more important to keep my phone alive to contact people rather than camwhore, though i was tempted to.
i hate those girls who look good in every single picture. like nice angles and such. ahhhh i want a blackberry!

been dota-ing every single night, and i think people have been getting pissed off with me cause of it, especially _____. but it's funnnnn! now i know why guys are always playing it. it's good to waste time especially if you don't know what to do. like for example on friday night they had drinks but didn't really wanna drink, so when John said he felt like dota-ing, then off we went to play at some random lan.
felt so included for once!!!!! LOL. it's damn stupid, but in the past it was always me falling asleep while waiting for A and the guys to be done with that game, and i remember he'd ask me to go learn how to play dota but i gave up without really trying. -..- but at least now i can play with my future boyfriend, or maybe he'll be the one getting pissed off cause i play too much and have no time to pay attention to him. hahahahahahaha.
okay maybe going over to Sebas's to study since one book of mine is with him and his house is so much nearer to Queenstown so i can reach there faster too. fucking sucks my lappy can't use Microsoft Office it's damn annoying!!!!! i want a new laptop though i luv this one still. been through so much with me..... i think i'm too sentimental. hahahahahaha.
anyway, i'm going off already, my biological clock is totally screwed like seriously.
i think sooner or later Jc they all won't wanna play dota with me already cause i'm really too noob. *sad face. sometimes i die and i won't even realize it till a few seconds later. hahahaha okay i sound damn high.
oh yeah and i hate gaining weight i feel so pudgy now. ewwwwwwww. and wtf my lower body can't seem to lose weight already.
okay wait bye!
i give up.
ps: it's not that i'll never want you back, trust me i do. but like what that quote said; i'm done chasing after you. congratulations, you're the first person i've really ever given up on. happy? i'm ready to be happy now.
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