Monday, March 7, 2011

Double Standards

it's 5:44am in the morning. i'm supposed to be sleeping but there are way too many things going on in my mind. and i kinda need to put it out somewhere.

i've been thinking a lot about sex recently. yes, sex. no i'm not horny it does not mean thinking about sex equates to that person being horny. grow up.

anyway, i've met all sorts of girls in my 19 years of life. i've met all sorts of guys too. granted, most of them are really nice but that's not the point. i've heard of girls who sleep around, like they're literally the public bus or something; everyone and anyone can just get on for a ride. then there are the girls who have sex with their boyfriends, be it long term or short term. and then there are the girls who haven't had sex. but i'm gonna focus on the ones who do.

i hate double standards. i fucking hate double standards. i mean, i've heard loads of guys gossip about this girl and that girl saying 'wah she damn slut one she damn easy blablabla' about a girl. and yes maybe she is rly that way but what gives you the right to say things like this when maybe such harsh judgement wouldn't be passed onto that person if she was a male? you shouldn't automatically get excused just because you have a dick.

i'm not saying it's right to sleep around, i'm commenting on the judgements passed. i hate people saying things like 'but she's a girl, yadda yadda'.

okay so what about the girls who have had sex with their boyfriends and they broke up? i mean come on how old are we now? how many r/s does make it till marriage? it's only realistic to know that there isn't a really high chance unless you really work for it,but how many couples really do?

so what happens to the girl then? imagine they had a really great sex life and it has become a part of her life. what happens then? i mean its fine if you've never had sex before; you wouldn't know what you're missing but what if you did? its like chocolate or ice cream or your favourite food, whatever. if you've never had it before you wouldn't know how good it is, and there wouldn't be a craving. but you have. and there is a craving. so what then?

i mean lets face it, no one likes to be alone. some deal with it better than the rest. but no one likes it. especially if you're a girl. especially if you're feeling vulnerable. instinct only leads you to your safety zone. like a horse to a watering hole or something like that. idk i'm sick of people always commenting and saying stuff like 'ew she's a slut' or whatever.

kay honestly i have commented that some girls are sluts, but that's because they have truly lived up to the definition of a slut. and i have said that guys are sluts too. i mean if girls are called sluts because they sleep around then guys shouldn't be given another name just to make it sound better right? its the fucking double standard thing that i cannot stand. i absolutely hate it.

the only thing tht i find is rly not good about sleeping around, guys and girls alike is that it's super dangerous i mean you don't know who your partners have been with and vice-versa. what about all the diseases? i mean you wouldn't know right. and i kind of agree with the 'girls are at a disadvantage' thing, which i didn't use to agree to but its rly kinda true cause i mean what if the girl gets pregnant? its really her life that gets disrupted and what not. so many consequences. and the second thing is because of the damned double standards.

im really really not saying that sleeping around is good. in fact i think its best to avoid sleeping around. but i feel that it's not wrong. like how some people may feel that it's not wrong to be a third party in a r/s, or how some people don't think it's wrong to cheat on their partners etc. i feel that as long as it doesn't harm anyone then why not it's on your own time or whatever right? idk.

and why is it that girls might be seen by some people as 'too horny/too loose' or whatever if they're open to sexual experiences or whatever? i mean if you're not opposed to a certain something doesn't mean that you're horny what. 

it really really sucks that guys get away with SO many things because 'they are guys'. i mean what are we supposed to just accept that 'all men cheat one la it's just whether their girlfriends/wives find out one' or whatever la. so what if you have a dick so what? that doesn't give you an excuse.

then what about how girls are more emotional? do people try to be more understanding? not many. you blame it on the testosterone then i'll jolly well blame the estrogen when i do something totally crazy psycho bitch like can? will you be more understanding?

okay idk whats the point of this, totally random post idk if i'm even making sense to whoevers reading this. but yes. conclusion: i hate double standards.DROP THOSE STANDARDS TODAY! YES, NOW!

its just so damn unfair. and i've been wanting to say this for a damned long time and probably parts of this post has stuff in it that i;d want to touch up, or talk more about but i bet i'll be too lazy. okay goodnight people.



1 comment:

  1. i hate double standards too! wtf like seriously LOL
