Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"work, work work work work."


i feel so grumpy now, cause i have to go for work. such a damn hassle WHY WASN'T I BORN RICH!!!!! oh mannnnszxzxzxzx.

all things considered this isn't a bad job cause it pays well, but if onlyyyyyy you manage to hit the number of people. ><

first week, so..... we'll seeeeeeeee!

anyway, i'm so late but here i am still blogging away, cause i can't decide on what to wear. damn it lor must wear jeans, and my legs are so..... fat.


damn annoying. today is going to be a grumpy day. think my period's coming, and my mood is changing. that damn boss is forever getting on my nerves and he keeps calling me. like STOP CALLING ME ALREADY!!!!!

and there's this fucked up guy who keeps messaging me and asking 'what's your facebook?'

like two, three, four times, and i totally didn't reply, till yesterday at John's, and i couldn't take it anymore so i replied 'stop asking me'

and i didn't expect an answer after that, cause what's he supposed to reply?! then my phone rang it's lovely ring tone, and tadah he replied, 'sorry what's your email i add you on facebook i forgot your email.'


and that day this other person keep calling me on and off and usually i'll just pick up and be nice for awhile, then i'll put down, but that day he really caught me at a wrong time.

was spazzing out and crying and wanting to die and all, and he called me and went 'hello? blablabla' oh my God.

couldn't control myself; whole emotional outburst afterwards from me, which went 'STOP CALLING ME LA!!!!!!!" in a very tearful way. and then i hung up, and tadah, he never called since then.

hahahaha. i feel so evil.

okay shut up have to bathe someone just called me i think it's Bec.


thinking of you.

ps: sweet nothings might just be that, nothing. but i meant some of them, and some of them not.

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